Friday, April 13, 2012

Antigonish Yacht Club - Redux

This may be a repeat - still learning the blogging business.

What is important however, is that the Yacht Club is in for a remake - less about the big keel boats which have mostly gone out of harbour and more about smaller, more nimble craft. Boats which can explore the myriad small coves and shallow bays offered here in the harbour. Boats which put you in immediate touch with the water and that mystical world just under it's surface.

I hope you'll join us on the adventure.

Separately, there was only wind, water, sail and hull, but at my hand the four had been given purpose and direction. Lowel Thomas


Thomas said...

Great new side!! Congratulations! Let me be a club member!! Let me in :). Have a great ( sailing) weekend Sean!

Unknown said...

Hey Thomas - thanks. Why not try the "Follow by Email" button and you'll get all my updates.
I'll posting a page concerning membership soon.

Take care