Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Harbour Marker Madness

I went out for a sail a few evenings ago and noted that the pontoon boat looked as tho it had just weathered a hurricane. The deck was strewn with bits of hose and wire - all of which were normally attached to the motor. As well, the battery was missing and the gas tank askew. I was crestfallen. Seemingly, we'd had our gas and battery stolen - and for good measure, wires and hoses wrenched asunder.

Not so however.

There's no question - summer was getting on and we still hadn't put in the harbour markers. This is not an easy job (except as compared with pulling them out) and finding willing volunteers is difficult.

Finally however, Gerry Connolly stepped up to the plate as did Manfred Goring, Jason Stewart and his strapping son. As I understand it, the day went something like this.

Things were going well, until the hour and an half point when the motor started to act up and our new started button packed it in. This occurred as they neared the harbour mouth - about to pick up the heaviest of the markers used to mark the serpentine path in from the harbour mouth. They are the heaviest, as this area features the most current. In other words, it is where you least want to lose your motor. It is also as far from the club as you can get - at least with our pontoon barge. In the confusion of coaxing the motor to carry on (and where the driver can't really see where they are going), the stern touched a shoal and the impact popped the outboard off the mount with only Manfred's hand on the tiller and a few wires connecting it to the boat. The wires pulled out. Manfred however stayed fast and, with help, wrestled it back aboard - no longer running. How far under did it go? No one seems to know. Motor back in place, albeit with no electric assistance, heroic pulling of the cord commenced - to no effect.

Quickly, a repair committee was struck and minor dismantling of the motor commenced. Unfortunately, neither did the motor give up its secrets, nor did it go back together happily. Heads were scratched.

With the pontoon boat still threatening to come adrift in the current, cell phones came out and calls were made. Pat's B&B - AKA - rescue central was reached and Senior Stewart (Joe), leapt into the role of Mission Commander. Noel Sampson was in the middle of a golf game when his phone rang. Quickly appreciating the situation our lads were in, Noel abandoned his game (and perhaps a rewarding visit to the 19th hole) and set off for his boat. An hour or so later, the shipwrecked crew were aboard and the pontoon boat safely in tow. Impressive.

It's a truism, I think - that messing around in boats often leads to adventure.


Not one to let matters remain undone, Mr. Goring, along with an adventuresome guest, somehow managed to place the rest of the markers using his tin boat and a sheet of plywood on the deck. No easy task and very much appreciated.

In closing - a big thanks to all involved. Also - should you know of anyone with a dependable long shaft motor they might wish to pass along - please send them my way; it seems we need one.

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